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tv   Fox 5 News at Ten  FOX  October 13, 2012 10:30pm-11:30pm EDT

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looks like it's going to start a so little um, but i uh... (interupting) oh okay - okay yup that's fine. excuse me - sorry. yes! vo: from the new, to the hard to find: when it's on your mind, it's on ebay™.
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15 people have died, including one in maryland. the crisis has prompted the company. the new england compounding center to recall the product and suspend operations. the scare has triggered
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multiple investigations. starting with the company that shipped the viles. >> what exactly is a compounding pharmacy? how are they licensed and supervised? does the food and drug administration have the resources and does it have the legislative authority to actually extend its oversight over these pharmacies? >> it is based in massachusetts. it was supposed to be filling specific prescriptions for specific people. the state's governor says that wasn't the case at all. >> what they were doing instead is making big batches and selling them out of state as a manufacture would. >> the incident manager from the centers for disease control says we're not out of the woods yet. healthcare providers are urging anyone who received a steroid injection for back pain or joint pain to watch for some key symptoms. fever, worsening headache, back pain, and neurological problems similar to ones a stroke victim
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might have. if they develop, seek immediate medical care. officials notified 1200 patients that got the injections, but many have not been reached yet. since the symptoms with becoming longer to develop, keep looking for signs of illness over the next few months. audrey barnes, fox 5 news. >> news alert from anne arundel county where two men were shot early this morning. the men were at a party in the 7,000 block of outing avenue. when someone shot at them and took off in a vehicle. 21-year-old matthew died from his injuries. the second victim, a 20-year- old man, is hospitalized, but expected to survive. police do not believe this was a random shooting, but they are looking for information on the gunman. alexandria police want your help finding whoever robbed a donut shop. the robbery happened a little after thursday morning in the 4600 block of duke street. the suspect pulled a gun and
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demanded cash from the register. he was last seen and the small blue car heading west on duke avenue. d.c. firefighters battling a blaze on the 8th floor today. this was the scene in the 2900 block of 14th street in northwest. two people had to go to george washington medical center for treatment. no word on their condition. to prince georges county where firefighters had to knock down flames. investigators are still looking into what went wrong in the 900 block of 5th street. no one was hurt, but the damage did extend into the next building. >> we now turn to developing story in the district. controversial posters in metro stations. these science will have a counter argument. posters will go up that say, speak for justice and avoid the ignorance. it's a verse from the koran. on monday, a coalition of religious groups will call on metro to donate proceeds from
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the ad campaign to a charity that supports human rights. just over three weeks between now and election day, president obama and mitt romney are fighting hard. fox's ed henry is keeping track on how they are working as the days wind down. >> governor mitt romney. >> with his debate prep sparring partner introducing him to voters, stumping in ohio and trying to fire up the base by bringing up his big performance in the first one. >> about a week ago, i had a debate and i did enjoy myself. >> early voting has already started in the buckeye state and its 18 electorial votes are crucial. >> i need you to vote. i need other people who voted for barack obama to join our team. we need ohio. >> no republican has ever won the white house without taking ohio where polls show the president still has a slim lead. mr. obama is here in the
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battleground of virginia hunkered down with top aides, undergoing debate preps with governor romney on tuesday night at hostra university in new york. the president was highlighting the success of american auto makers in the wake of a government bailout. governor romney opposed using government funds to help the auto industry. those auto makers are an entry critical, of course, to ohio. >> i bet on american workers and american ingenuity and three years later, that is paying off in a big way. together, our auto industry created a quarter of a million new jobs here in america. >> the president will stay here in the battleground of virginia until tuesday when he flies to new york for that second presidential debate. a lot of democrats pushing him to be more aggressive than he was in the first one. this time, it will be a town hall format with undecided voters. he has to be careful not to be too negative. a tough balancing act as the democratic party wants to see the president stop what republicans are calling
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mittmentum. fox news. denver police looking at surveillance video after a bullet shattered a window at president obama's campaign office. there were people inside the office when it happened, but no one was hurt. investigators aren't sure whether the office was targeted or if it was a stray bullet. a campaign spokesman declined to comment. while it is under investigation. a state lawmaker is defending his comment after comparing the democratic state leadership to hitler. state representative, john hubbord is under fire that saying african americans are better off than they would have been if they never had been shipped to the u.s. as slaves and slavery may have been a blessing in disguise. when democratic governor and other leaders criticized him, he wrote a letter to the editor of a local paper comparing their criticisms to hitler's propaganda. >> now he blames me and others for whatever problems he has
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gotten in this regard? we didn't write those letters. we didn't write that book. but it's easy for him to blame others. what he called me? a nazi. >> he accused democrats of pressuring an owner to cancel a fundraiser. he is under fire for saying he supports the death penalty for disobedient children. the restaurant owner says no one pushed him to cancel that event. turning now to weather, it was a great fall day outside today. will tomorrow be a repeat? glenn is in the weather center with a preview. >> everyone did enjoy today, you'll like tomorrow a little bit more. let's take a look at things and put it all together for you. right now, we have a few clouds rolling in across the area and they'll continue to do so into the course of tonight and we will see clouds dominating. here's a look at the highs today. we hit 60 degrees at reagan national airport. 58 at dulles and 59 at bwi
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marshall. if not cooler than what the seasonal normal is. now it's a little chilly outside right now at 52 at d.c. we have 46 degrees at gaithersburg this hour. 47 at baltimore. 49 at fredericksburg and 43 degrees at culpeper. dulles at 49. tonight, 47 degrees your overnight low. those clouds will continue to stream in, becoming mostly cloudy with light winds. guess what? there's a warm up ahead and i think you're going to like it. i'll have details and a full look at the seven-day forecast later. back to you. >> looking forward to it, thank you, gwen. coming up, it has been a bumpy 24 hours for nats fans. game five came down to the 9th inning in major comeback win. lindsey murphy was with the team after last night's devastating loss. she is up next. plus, they are cyclists who protect hundreds of workers for the walk. so when crooks tried to get in their way, sarah komen family sprang into action.
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that is coming up next and we will be right back. 
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take away his toys and he'll playay with a stick. take away their bikes and they'll still find a way to get where they're going. but if take you away early childhood education... slash k-12 funding... and cut college aid for middle class families ... they won't go far. yet that's exactly what mitt romney wants to do... pay for a $250,000 tax break for multi-millionaires. if mitt romney wins, the middle class loses. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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i think a lot of us are trying to figure out what happened. what in the world happened? >> i don't think anybody has an answer. it's not over until it's over. what is so sad, i went in that clubhouse after the game and not only is it depressing because there's nobody talking, you feel like you can hear a pin drop, there's still plastic on the walls. the locker room was set up for a champagne celebration. pushing the champagne and beer over to the cardinals side. >> my heart is breaking all over again just hearing that. >> the players were looking around and seeing this plastic still up in the locker room of a celebration they should have had. it's tough to get in that position. you can't take that for granted, and i don't think they did. we'll see. it was either the biggest collapse or greatest comeback, depending on how you look at it. nats players stood by the railing waiting to jump on the field and celebrate their nlds championship. it didn't work out that way.
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instead, it was st. louis who charged out and celebrated on the infield at nats park. we take you back to a nerve racking 9th inning for the 45,000 plus fans in attendance. nats lead 7-5. bases loaded. daniel hit the hot shot. the ball is off the glove of ian desmond. the game was tied 7-7. after the nats once led 6-0. the next batter, 2-2 count. base hit to right field. that would bring in two more runs. the nats are under 4 in the 9th. they were one strike from winning the series. instead, they fall to the cardinals 2-7 in gut wrenching fashion. >> it's part of the job. you know, it's the best job when you are good at it and worst job when you fail. so it's part of it and like i said, have to learn from it. >> you work real hard to get to this point. you know, you work your whole life. these moments don't come easy. it's been a long year, lots
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went into this season and you know, to have the game end like that was tough. >> the nationals finished their season with 100 wins, 67 losses. between last night and today, players cleaned out their lockers. most will go their separate ways and not see each other again until spring training in february. it's tough. it's tough that it happened to drew because he is one of the greatest guys in that clubhouse. it doesn't fall on his shoulders, even though he feels like it does. it's a team effort. >> what did i do wrong in that game, you know? >> he sat at that locker for over an hour. you feel so terrible for them. >> we all do. >> it's a bad feeling. fuel for the fire for next year. >> go nats. thanks, lindsey. let's switch gears and talk about the flu season. a will the of people opt not to get the flu shot. the cdc is trying to myth that keep people from
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getting the annual vaccine. george franco reports. >> the flu shot is a must this year for eric, a new dad to a little girl barely three weeks old. >> got a newborn in the house and just to be extra special and take as many precautions as we can to keep her health up. >> not everyone shares her enthusiasm. >> i feel people get sick when they get it. >> the flu vaccine raised other concerns on our facebook page. >> jessica says just twice a day that vaccines are made with aborted fetal cells, true? >> i'm not aware of human cells. we are talking about serum from cows. >> there is no data to indicate any harmful effects associated with serum from cows. >> i feel like yes, it is unsafe. i believe you should use other methods. >> jessica believes it's hit or miss. she writes --
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>> there's a 1% chance they use the right strain. >> we have a good track record, much, much higher than 1% success rate. >> i haven't had a flu shot and don't want one, especially after the shots that gave so many people meningitis. >> there's absolutely no connection whatsoever to the current situation involving meningitis and people having gotten flu shots. >> someone else worried about fermaldahyde. >> there is a minute amount, but these levels are very, very low. >> skinner says flu shots have minimal side effects which include soreness around the injection and possibly a low grade fever. >> vaccination against flu is the single most important thing that people can do to protect themselves. >> >> will you ever get a flu shot? >> no. >> the cdc says people with severe allergies to eggs should avoid flu shots since eggs are
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used. but people who are most susceptible like small children and elderly should get the shot. more eyes turning to last month's consulate attack in libya. plus, it's been ten months since it crashed off the coast of italy. and the ship still hasn't been removed. coming up, a progress report on the operation. that's next when we return. 
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david smallwood: maryland money needs to stay in maryland. it's just that simple, i mean, it's a no brainer. anncr: every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty... million at casinos in west virginia, delaware... and pennsylvania. one west virginia paper calls it a "cash cow" for them. but its cost maryland over one billion dollars. money that could have created good jobs and... better schools for us. question seven keeps maryland money in maryland. david smallwood: question seven, i think it will be a... good thing for the state of maryland.
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more than a month after an attack that killed four americans in libya. a senate committee says it will investigate what happened. molly has details. >> reporter: first, the house of representatives started investigating the libya attack and now the senate just announced it is going to do the same. independent senator and republican senator, susan collins, who lead the senate homeland security committee say the american people deserve a full and fair accounting of how the deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in libya unfolded.
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they continue in a statement saying quote, we intend to examine the circumstances before, during, and after the attack. including threat awareness. u.s. security needs for diplomatic personnel and libya and communications among the intelligence community, the state department, the defense department, and the white house. and we want to fully understand why the administration's initial public assessment of this attack were subsequently proven inaccurate. the white house and the state department are fielding a lot of questions after president biden said that quote, we weren't told they wanted more security in libya. why wasn't he told? why wasn't the president told? here's what white house spokesman said about it. >> these are issues appropriately that are handled by security professionals at the state department. that's what he was talking about. >> one republican house member who just returned from an investigative trip to libya says the obama administration should have known that our facilities needed more security. >> leadership, a good
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president should be thanked, my goodness, we were bombed in libya twice. what are we doing to improve security there? not just sit back and wait and see. >> white house counters by saying the administration had quote, no actionable intelligence suggesting there would be an attack on the facility. in washington, molly heneberg, fox news. doctors say the next two days are critical for a 14-year- old pakistani girl shot by the taliban. she remains on a ventilator after she was shot on her way to school. the young antitaliban activist has spoken out against the taliban stand against educating women. a friend says the taliban asked for the girl by name before opening fire on her. commanders continue to say they will kill the girl and her father for their views. >> the fight is intent that they can hear it across the border in turkey. tensions are high between the two countries and turkey is
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increasing military presence along the border. five turkish citizens died earlier this month. turkey's prime minister failed to agree on how to end syria's bloody civil war. the italian cruise ship that ran aground in january is still on a side off the coast of italy, and now salvage workers are worrying about the weather. progress on riding the costa concordia has been slow and with winter coming, conditions could slow things down even more. firms are working together to get that ship out of the water. >> they went to -- all the offshore operations -- so we hope you have a mild winter. basically the schedule is based on working days and depending on if you have a good or bad winter, that impacts on the project time line. >> the captain is charged with manslaughter and abandoning ship. attorneys will discuss evidence against him tomorrow. still to come, charity
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cyclists hit a bump in the road this weekend, only to get picked back up by their pink family. plus, nobody likes lugging groceries around, especially as the temperatures get colder. coming up, how you can have your entire grocery list at your doorstep with the click of a button. [ ge healthcare engineer ] babies are the number one reason why we come to work every day.
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we recently donated a number of our incubators to a hospital in east london, homerton. we take the sickest and the most premature and the smallest babies in the whole area. [ mother #1 ] they're lovely in here. they're absolutely brilliant. i couldn't ask for any better. their first chance in life is not the greatest. and so i think, just being here to help them through that first chance of life is amazing. ♪ [ homerton doctor ] if a baby is in a high-tech incubator that provides them with temperature control and humidity, it makes the care of the baby that much easier. [ mother #2 ] i didn't really get to touch her or hold her when she was born. today will be the first time i'll get to hold her
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'cause i'm gonna feed her later. i'm just really excited. ♪ ♪ ♪
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this is fox 5 news at 10:00. >> the komen three day for the cure is underway in d.c. unfortunately, it got off to a bumpy start for two volunteers. they were targeted by thieves. but thanks to social media and the generosity of a local business owner, today's walk was a big success. fox 5 has the story. >> 1600 walkers descend on d.c. for the susan g. komen three-day for the cure. including the beloved tutu brothers. >> all right. looking good. >> thank you. >> ken and christian travel to
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busy intersections helping to stop traffic and providing some much appreciated moral support. >> watch your step. >> we need them. it's the best part of this. yes. >> they rely on bicycles to navigate the route. but when they arrived at opening ceremonies friday morning, they got out of the car and realized their bikes had been stolen. >> we went to reach up and the bikes were gone. i guess we just thought we saw them and went on. so it was a shock. >> someone grabbed the bikes right off of the roof of the car while it was parked overnight at the holliday inn express in hyattsville. the hotel says security cameras caught the thieves in the act and the videoas been handed over to police. but the story doesn't end there. christian posted about the theft on his facebook page. he received an outpouring of support and the three-day community sprung into action. >> all of a sudden, my cell
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phone started ringing, notifications started happening and i couldn't keep up with all the posting. >> several people reached out to bike shops in the area and within a matter of hours, the tutu brothers were back on two wheels. >> it was amazing. so it shows what kind of a community the three-day community is. >> let me give you a hand with that. >> neil conaway, the owner of the bike shop in northwest stepped up to help as soon as he heard the news. >> i'm fortunate for those guys, but at the same time, it would have been worse if they didn't have any bikes to use for the activities that they are involved in. glad to do it, glad to support the cause. >> it's a cause close to the heart for ken and christian. they lost their mother, julia, to breast cancer in 2010. they have been sporting their tutu's since 2008. and as far as losing their bikes, they are brushing it off, saying there's too much love and support involved to even think about it. >> we have more important
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things to worry about. that's our walkers and our crew mates. >> bikes are replaceable, breast cancer, not so much. or the families that have lost people. that's why we are here. >> in washington, lauren de marco. fox 5 news. news alert from northern virginia. police want your help identifying a man that you are about to see right now. they say he followed and approached a 16-year-old girl on october 1 in the 7,000 block of golden horseshoe court in springfield. he asked her to take a look at a flat tire. detectives say he is driving a bright blue subaru with a spoiler. police say that in that area, they have been investigating a rash of cases. in alexandria, police are investigating a sexual assault. a 20-year-old woman was walking from iosen hour avenue when a man pulled a knife on her. she said she didn't have any and the man attacked her. if you saw anything, call alexandria police, you can
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remain anonymous. d.c. prosecutors -- hung jurors kept raymond without a verdict for two years. in 2010, 16-year-old was killed. there is no dna evidence or murder weapon connecting her to the shooting death. a fox 5 consumer alert says it's hard not to buy more than yon whu pla you go to the grocery store. now you don't have to step foot in one. fox 5 consumer reporter shows us how you can shop on the spot. >> walking through metro on your way to work and you realize you are running low on milk, need to do laundry, but you don't have the soap. you might not be passing by a grocery store, but you could be passing a grocery aisle and that milk or soap could be at your doorstep by the time you get home. >> anything that will make my life easier is something i would definitely try. >> it's cool. >> it really does strike
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people when they are in a place like a subway station, which you wouldn't expect to see a grocery shell. >> pea pod teamed up with national brands for the project. you could call it interactive advertising. a new twist on shopping as they try to target the super busy commuter who spends an hour in transit or waiting for transportation. >> we thought it would get people thinking about it and down load the app and they would actually realize they can shop anywhere, not just in a train station. they can shop wherever they are. >> once you down load the mobile app, you just scan the bar code on the ad and it adds the product to your cart. the items on these billboards are staples in many households, cereal and milk, pasta and tissue. you can choose from 11,000 products. all the nutritional information at your fingerprints and greater control of the money you are spending. >> you can see your running total all the time. from a budget perspective, you
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know how much you want to spend. you get over that amount, you start taking stuff out of your cart. >> if i had a smart phone, i would do that. >> if the food came out of my phone, i would >> the billboards are up in several metro stations, they will soon be up at every major transportation railway in the d.c. area. in the newsroom, laura evans, fox 5 news. >> a handful of residents could pay more to heat their home. the washington gaslight company proposed a 2% rate hike. one to replace gas prices and another to pay for employee pension costs. the washington business journal reports the company is asking for $148 million extra. spread out over the next five years. the d.c. public service commission has yet to rule on the proposal, washington gas serves more than 1 million customers in the d.c. area. the fda cracking down on online pharmacies. a survey finds 25% of consumers purchased prescription drugs and 30% have doubts about the
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safety of buying those drugs. brenda has more. >> certain websites may be hazardous to your health. the fda cracking down on thousands of online pharmacies selling fake drugs and not just to regular folks like you a me, but to medical professionals as well. lisa is a prescription drugs editor for consumer reports. she says approximately 1.7 million people use online pharmacies. but, the counterfeit drugs they could be selling carry a very big risk, including medication that is watered down. >> it's not really effective. that can be dangerous for medication that you need in your system over a long period of time. >> some of the drugs seized by the fda, viagra, acutane, and generic tamiflu, which contains the wrong active ingredient. gil says if a site doesn't require a prescription, it's probably bogus. also, watch out for sites that don't let you speak with a
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pharmacist. don't have an address in the u.s., aren't licensed on the fda's website, and have prices that are just too good to be true. the fda says many websites falsely claim to be operating out of canada, where prescription drugs are less expensive, and the drugs can be tainted by poi poisons or other substances. sports up next. the nats learning a tough lesson. it's never over until it's over. lindsey murphy up next. >> it's never over until it's over. guess what? look at the heat in the midsection of the country. we are in for a warmup. we'll have the details coming up. stay with us. [ mitt romney ] look at the evidence of the last four years.
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we've got 23 million people out of work or stopped looking for work. they're suffering in this country. the president would prefer raising taxes. the problem with raising taxes is that it slows down the rate of growth. i'm not going to raise taxes on anyone, because when the economy's growing slow like this, when we're in recession you shouldn't raise taxes on anyone. my plan is to bring down rates to get more people working. my priority is putting people back to work in america. i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. still talking about the
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nats. you read people's facebook threads, everyone is in shock. >> nobody probably sadder than those players themselves, but some people take it too far. saying nasty things on facebook and twitter that should not be said. at the end of the day, it is a sport. i know this town takes it to heart, but the players are feeling just as bad as the people in this town. yesterday, nats players went to the highest of highs to the lowest of lows in the span of 89 innings. a 6-0 lead was safe for a while, the chips became chunks and the champagne had to be moved out of the nats clubhouse. bottom of the 8th, nats up 6-5. folks went up the middle. adam laroche scores. the nats with some insurance. up 7-5. and the record crowd erupting because they think they have it in the bag. it's still 7-5. daniel with the bases loaded, facing drew, his hit goes off the glove of ian desmond into center field. the nats once a strike away
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from winning the series, find the game ied and the next batter, two on, a 2-2 count. base hit to right, two more runners come home. the cardinals score 4th in the 9th. the dream season comes to an end 9-7. >> we were right there. like you said, one out, one strike away a couple times and you know, we've come a long ways. that's why it hurts even more, because what we have been through. we should be prowled proud of what we did this year. >> we all knew what we were capable of what we were doing. i'm not saying, nothing against the year. it was obviously a great year. the best record in baseball, i think this is going to burn in all of us for a while. >> it's not how i wanted my year to end. i wanted to play deeper into the post season, not ready to go home. didn't want to take off that uniform, and you know, it's
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just something that happens every day, or happens, and you have to come back next year and not let it happen. >> it's baseball, you know, can't do nothing about it. tip your cap to it and keep moving. i think we battled and gave them what they wanted. a show, and to go out that way, it's a bitter taste in your mouth, but find a new gum to chew on. >> tonight is game one of the alcs. alex rodriguez in the lineup against the tigers. tigers scored once this inning. delmond young, he throws to second. miguel cabrera would score from second. a solo home run in the 8th. right now, the tigers lead 4-0. mike london and virginia hosting maryland. the cavs looking to end a four- game losing streak. the opening kickoff, terps super freshman takes it five yards deep in his end zone and a good council grad weaves his
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way through traffic. 100 yards for the touchdown. they built a 17-0 lead. it is 17-3. fakes the handoff, finds e.j. scott, another good council grad. 20 yards for the score. down 17-10. in the 4th quarter, the maryland lead was 4. perry hills on a keeper. success yards for the td. the terps beat virginia 27-20 to improve to 2-0 in acc play. in other scores, virginia tech over duke 41-20. georgetown falls 17-14. north carolina beats howard 38- 10. not going to get over that nats loss. >> new york city we're not. thank you, lindsey. coming up, we'll introduce you to the g.i. go program when the news continues. and middle-class families. [ female announcer ] but this is what the budget plan mitt romney supports actually does. more huge tax breaks skewed to the wealthy. while cutting nearly eight hundred billion from medicaid...
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even though middle-class families rely on medicaid to help loved ones cover nursing-home care. and it helps parents support children with disabilities. if mitt romney really "cares," wouldn't we see it in his priorities? on gasoline. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. [ male announcer ] and it's not just these owners giving the volt high praise. volt received the j.d. power and associates appeal award two years in a row. ♪
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there is a new class of firefighters serving others for the second time with the majority of recruits being
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military veterans. helps transition veterans back into civilian life. anna has the story. >> the city of gnu newark, new jersey, are heros before they put on the uniform. nearly all of the recruits are veterans. it's not a coincidence. there's a new push to hire veteran when is they return home. job searching is just one of the many struggles they experience while putting their lives back together. last month, the unemployment rate was 9.7% for veterans of the wars in afghanistan and iraq. compared to 7.8% of the national average. >> when i get home is very hard to find work. and i did turn to the g.i. fund and they helped me out. >> singing our national anthem, home of the braves. we have to create a home for our brave. that means jobs, that means housing. come back and serve with the sam courage, this is
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tremendous. >> a nonprofit organization that helps vets make the transition to civilian life helps recruit the veterans. they made phone calls and e- mails and held career fairs. the military experience, most of the men had, made their 12 week training period extra competitive. >> it's the exact same personality that will see a building on fire and say, i'll go in, give me the hose, i'll run in and do it. >> washington state and massachusetts give veterans preference in their civil service exams. the boston fire department recruited 49 military veterans this year. a bill that would establish a jobs program is currently stalled in congress. in new york, anna coyman, fox news. business and residents came together to spruce up the jubilee housing. make up the affordable housing complex. >> really, it's about
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community uplift, working with the business partners that are here in this adams morgan neighborhood. to really try and improve, not only the physical condition, but the buildings that we see out here, but also the spirits of the people who live in this neighborhood. >> the event also helps to fray the cost of maintenance to the eight properties jubilee owns. talking about our weather, beautiful day today. sunshining. it was crisp, but nice. >> just that nice fall day. i was outside for a while. tomorrow is going to be even better on a couple of fronts. >> glad to hear that. >> there's a beautiful picture of the national monument. we have some clouds that are rolling in, however, across the area tonight. so, we won't have clear skies in the overnight hours, but not all bad, but we have some clear picture there right now. so that's not bad at all. let's take a look beginning at our weather headlines.
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sunday is going to be a much warmer day. we'll see a rise in our temperatures. also, gusty winds. definitely hang on to your hat day as far as the wind department is concerned. a close eye on the tropics, a little bit of action going on there and also the week is going to start a little bit on the unsettled side. overall, not bad. so today wasn't bad at all. we have plenty of sunshine. a really comfortable day out there. today, the clouds are rolling in. they will continue to increase in the course of the overnight hours across our area. here's your high for today, 60 degrees at reagan national airport. we hit 58 at dulles and 59 at bwi sir good marshall. we are going to have even warmer day tomorrow as i pointed out. and tonight, it's cool. 52 at d.c. 54 at quantico. we have 45 at frederick. 49 at dulles. 43 degrees for martinsburg and 47 at baltimore. 56 degrees in annapolis this hour.
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but let's take a look at what is happening across the country. we have a pocket of much warmer air. look at this hour, into the 70s in st. louis. little rock, the same as dallas. this warmer air is going to push its way toward the mid atlantic and we are going to have the advantage of seeing system of some of it. the jet stream, that southerly air flow is going to pick up, it's all ahead of a frontal system that is crossing the midsection of the country right now. this warmer air is going to get a little bit strong as well. so we are talking some gusty winds into the course of tomorrow afternoon. at least up to 25 miles per hour. so be prepared for that tomorrow. even though we are going to have the brighter skies, the winds could be a factor for you. it will be a milder day as well, as i mentioned, because we are looking at temperatures rising from the 60s today to the 70s. so here's a look at the system that will push its way through. we have to watch this on monday. it's not going to affect us too much into the course of tomorrow. ridge of high pressure will make its way off the coast. as we move into monday, this
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cold front is going to head its way across. we have a chance of seeing isolated storm activity. in the tropics, tropical storm rafael, which is headed straight for bermuda. it is going to strengthen and become a category one hurricane and then it's going to go right off the coast of bermuda and head its way to the north and become a remnant low as it moves its way to the st. johns the time it hits into thursday. right now, it doesn't look like a threat at all. 47 degrees in for your overnight low. light southerly winds, but the winds are picking up tomorrow. 74 degrees. unbelievable. beautiful warm day. winds will be gusting at 25 miles per hour. mostly sunny skies, once again, it will be the wind that will be a factor. here's a look at your fox five forecast. monday looks like we could have that frontal system moving its way through. that could set us up for an isolated storm or two. we will be mild and warm at 74.
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we kind of start to wane out a little bit, heading back to 60s. plenty of sunshine into the course of the week. >> certainly will enjoy tomorrow. >> the space shuttle endeavor is carrying out her 26th and last mission ever. the shuttle's final journey traveling 12 miles to her final resting place. the california sky center in los angeles. despite going 2 miles per hour, the shuttle is making good time. but workers pulling the endeavour say it took a while to get to this point. >> we had to go through a bunch of rigorous tests to make sure we were able to pull this weight. we had three months of testing to say yes, we could do this. so we pulled more than what endeavour weighs. it is 292,000 pounds and we were over 300,000 pounds that we pulled. >> must be a proud moment for you as well. >> absolutely. nervous, i'll be better once we are on the other side of manchester for sure. >> the total cost of
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endeavour's final journey, $10 million. the entertainment world mourning the loss of actor and television host, gary collins. collins died in mississippi this morning of natural causes. he is best known as being the former master of ceremonies of the miss america contest. collins appeared in numerous movies and tv shows, including the love boat, the wackiest ship in the army, and the iron horse. gary was 74 years old. a man's best friend is a dog. in a few minutes, you'll meet one canine who proved to be more than that, a hero. we have the special story up next. then coming up on the news edge, a fight to keep a world war i memorial in tact. we'll explain next on the news edge. ♪ ♪
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♪ [ male announcer ] introducing a look twice. introducing a stunning work of technology -- the entirely new lexus es. and the first-ever es hybrid. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything. infringement on our lives.s like such an... earning 1% cash back how dare they step into my life that way. it's none of their business. he's trying to restrict us, again. he's taking us backwards. george allen is the last thing we need in washington. anncr: the democratic senatorial campaign committee is... responsible for the content of this advertising. a dog hailed a hero is having
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her day. she is getting reconstructive surgery after losing her snout and upper jaw last december. she saved the lives of two little girls. she jumped in front of a motorcycle headed straight for her owner's daughter and niece. she got her head caught in a motorcycle's front wheel. after the accident, a new york nurse started an internet campaign and raised $20,000 for her reconstructive surgery. >> save the lives of two children, so now she needs our help. >> surgeons in california are repairing her dental area and fixing her wound. so far, there is no known plan for making a prosthetic snout or replacing the dog's jaw. we wish her well. we have seen people swim with sharks and dolphins, now a private zoo in florida is offering visitors a chance to swim with tiger cubs. zoo officials insist the visitors


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